Named after H.A. Jerauld, the county of Jerauld located in the state of South Dakota, United States was created in the year 1883 with an approximate area of 533 sq mi. Wessington Springs is the county seat and the largest city of Jerauld. Over 2K people with a racial makeup including of White, Pacific Islander, African American, Asian, Native American, Hispanic or Latino of any race, and other races along with more than 0.9K households and 0.6K families inhabit the place.
Exclusive characteristics of the genealogical data can be easily reclaimed with Jerauld County records site today. Information on military service and employment details, birth and origin history, civil court proceedings, land assessment records, census data, immigration and naturalization minutes, marital status and divorce decree, death and obituary reports, last will, ancestral Social Security Numbers, probates and liens figures thus overall, paves the way for future genealogical researches and familial history findings.