Located in the U.S. state of South Dakota, Jackson County encloses 1,871 sq mi of land. It was founded in the year of 1914 and was named on the behalf of J.R. Jackson, territorial legislator. 3K people with a racial makeup including of White, Pacific Islander, African American, Asian, Native American, Hispanic or Latino of any race, and other races live in this county and near about 0.9K households and more than 0.6K family units are based in this county. Kadoka is the county seat whereas Wanblee is the largest town of the county.
Accessibility to trusted data and detailed minutes make the Jackson County records index competent enough to execute the vast lineal researches over the net. Rich compilation of a great collection of information regarding marriage and divorce decree records, birth and death license, land assessment records, obituary and cemetery niceties, military service reports, census data, war veterans' achievements, will and estate data, civil court proceedings and many more together illustrate the salient features of the ancestral life histories.